Thursday, December 13, 2018

Ending the Last Field Trip with a Memorable Experience

Hi, my name is Abraham Carl Militar. A grade 12 student of CDN Science High School, this is my second blog this senior high. The last time I made a blog was of course last year when I was in 11th grade. The blog will focus on an extra-curricular activity, just like last year, the senior high school field trip. A little hint on what to expect, it was obviously fun, memorable, and fatigue inducing. Can’t spoil my so called “comprehensive review” at the start, anyways, let us begin!

-12 hours before D-day, November 29, 2018
I am really hyped for this event since it serves as the last field trip of my entire high school before graduating to college, so I needed to make the most of it. We were all preparing for the upcoming field trip. Our teacher gave us the necessary info of what to expect and what to bring so that it would not be a hassle just like last time. 5:00 will be our call time, we were require to bring snacks and a type a uniform for the CCP show. After class, I immediately slept…. at 11:30 pm.
November 30, 2018
4:00 am
I woke up 30 minutes after my alarm went off so I needed to really hurry before the bus leaves, not that I am expecting that the bus will actually leave at 5:00 but just to make sure.
5:13 am
I arrived 13 minutes late, but as expected, I was one of the very first STEM students to come. Starting from this minute up until the time we left. Brian and I started recording videos for our Vlog and MIL, it was a decent start.

- One gorgeous sunrise for our last field trip

7:00- 8:00 am
We arrived at our first destination, the famous Art in Island. This will be the second time i went here, it feels nostalgic to be back. As expected, nothing has really changed, except for one. While inside the museum, we took pictures for the assignment. While also taking pictures because of how good it is.

Left: The Very huge 2- storey painting
Right: A cute painting of Olaf from frozen

- The Illusion works when captured from a right perspective

After that, we went to the center of the large room where a new feature that i didn't know or expect occurred, a light show. This light show focuses on the story of the bible while using illusions for it to be immersive. It was really breathtaking and it serves as a great start for the first destination of our field trip.
10:00 am

We went on to our second destination which is located inside trinoma. This will be my first time for the past few years to visit the mall again, so i am really excited on how big this mall will be. After a few minutes we left our bus only to wait outside until the mall opens. We then shoot some videos for our project in MIL that will focus on our destination, the ABS-CBN interactive studio! I've done some research regarding to what we will expect.
We went to the studio, to my surprise, the entrance looks like a Hollywood theatre. Unfortunately we need to leave again the studio will open at exactly 1 pm. We also had lunch and play at the timezone area inside trinoma, it was very exciting experience.
1:00 pm
The ABS-CBN interactive studio is finally open! We went inside and it blew my expectations... Both positive and negative. I really expect that this will be a very big area but unfortunately it is not, oh well. The studio is filled so many entertaining areas that will make you feel like your in one of their studios! It was so enjoying, and for the first time, i finally tried the very first AR/VR game, its a super immersive and brilliant experience. There's also one area that you will be in a multiplayer match between 2 sides, it was so good that we went there twice. I almost forgot that we needed to shoot some footage for our project, good thing i shot some, only a few. One thing that made me a bit disappointed is the lack of time, it ruins the fun. Over-all it's a destination that i really wanted to go back to, it's super super memorable!
- The studio logo

4:00 pm onwards
I'll be honest, It all went downhill at least before the final destination. I'm actually a bit disappointed that we missed one destination, the national museum. But i already moved on, and I hope that the final destination will be a gigantic comeback. As for now, we're in standby mode near Luneta park, inside the bus just waiting. This is the boring part of the field trip.
*but i accepted the fact that we didn't know that the museum will close earlier than expected.
7:00 pm
We arrived at our last destination, the Cultural Center of the Philippines. The CCP will be holding it's 49th season of ballet, its show is called "Snow White", a very promising show. This is the second time we went to CCP, but i felt that this is absolutely different than before. I'm really excited since we will witness a musical ballet featuring Snow white, and many many more. It was mind-blowing at the start and it gave me chills down to my spine. It's something memorable, it made me happy that this serves as the icing on the cake to this final field trip that will be remembered for a very long time.

Over-all, this field trip is full of ups and downs, misshapes and mishaps. Though it was very memorable and mind-blowing. This serves as the final Goodbye to this school year.

Saturday, September 23, 2017


Welcome guys!. I will tell you my story about an event that happened last august, the educational field trip. Well, this is my 4th time since grade 5. But this one has a different aspect than the others, since this is an educational trip, there is one term that I can summarize to the event, that word is fun. This fieldtrip is like a rollercoaster of pure happiness. Surpassing all of the previous events that happened for the past years. It will be in my memory permanently. So lets get started!

The day before the educational fieldtrip - Me and Brian Monteiro came up a plan that will make the educational fieldtrip experience more fun and challenging. our plan is to make a great cinematic vlog. This plan made me excessively excited to the point where I cannot sleep.

Fieldtrip day 3:45 am- I woke up late than my planned schedule to wake up so I took a shower. Then I woke up my father so he can cook while I start preparing my stuff for the event. At 5:00 am, we left off to go to my school. 28 minutes later, we reached Casa del Nino so I bid my father farewell.5:33 AM - I became aware that my classmates brought black shoes, then I suddenly realized that we need it for the performance of the bayanihan at the CCP, so I immediately called my dad. 12 minutes later I received my black shoes.

At approximately 6:10 AM we left Casa del NiƱo. While going to our destination, I started recording some cinematic vids for the Vlog while bonding with Christian and obviously eat food too. At approx. 7:30 am, we reached our first destination, the luneta park. I took some pictures of the park, the view was beautiful except the photo bomber that really irritates me to the point where I will Photoshop it.

We soon went to the site were the play will start. The play focuses on the life of Jose Rizal to the point that he will die, hence the jose Rizal and Spaniards statues serving the play. Before we left, i learned that Burnham was the one who built luneta and the meaning of luneta is small moon.

After a few minutes, we left luneta park to go to our next destination, Intramuros. We arrived at the church at approx. 8:00, this is my very first time entering that church. The moment i went inside, my mind shouted ARCHITECTURE due to so much detail, it makes me want to capture every side of this church!

After that, we walked on the pathway on the walls of intramuros, in which, if you look it at Google maps, has a pentagonal shape. Walking on the walls of intramuros gave me the opportunity to finish my morning exercise, it was very breath-taking.

After a few minutes, we went to the oldest unharmed church in Luzon, or the rest of the Philippines, the San Agustin church in which was built 450+ years ago, too bad we cannot go inside due to the occurring wedding . 

At approx. 9-9:30, we ate lunch at harbours square where there are a few choices too choose, we also took some rest for hours.

After lunch, we took off to go to our next destination, The BSP coin museum. When we went inside, we first watched 2 films about the history of money and how money was made. After that, we were informed the about the rules and regulations.Firstly, i was fascinated about the evolution of our coins from generation to generation and i even saw my 1921 coin, i also saw the 100,00 peso bill, in which was the biggest bill in the world at 8x11 inches.

. We reached the national museum of the Philippines. At first, i was indulging the marvellous paintings made by artists like the Parisian life and the spoliarium while still aware of the project. Then, it became a little stressful due to the schedule of it, we hurriedly took pictures for our intended project. After that we were relieved. Abruptly, our visit to the other museum was cancelled due to stormy weather and poor schedule time. So we continued our schedule for us to not hustle too much.

At approx. 5:00 pm, we will soon to reach our destination, wich is sm mall of asia where we will soon change clothes for the CCP and eat dinner.

I was then chosen to go to my other friends instead of my best friends. We are supposed to eat dinner at burger king but i declined and started finding the restaurant where Christian and co. were eating.5 mins later, i met them at KFC and hurriedly ordered and ate my food. At approx. 6:30 - 7:00 which is our call time, we departed moa, luckily we were just in time to see the dragon fireworks that occurs every Friday.

At 7:30, we reached our final destination and my personal highlight in the whole fieldtrip, the CCP. This was our first time to go here so we instantly took pictures of ourselves. We then took a group photo of us as a Section then All of grade 11&12

we soon went to the main theatre to watch the bayanihan@61 performance. After a little while, the show started, it introduced the many dance cultures with amazing songs and cultures, i was very thrilled and exhilarated, but it is a bit short, which is a bit disappointing.

After the show we took pictures of the performers like crazy, we were like super fans at that time. Again I say, This event was the pinnacle or the climax of our field trip and to my opinion, they scheduled the best one as the finale to our field trip.

We soon took off at approx 10 pm, we were all tired at that point. At 11PM, we reached Casa del nino where I instantly went to my service, in which was my dad and mom waiting. At that point of time, I passed out.

In summary, this fieldtrip, even though educational, far surpassed all of my previous experiences. This fieldtrip gave me so much fun and wisdom that I cannot even summarize, this experience is basically permament in my mind. This concludes my very long story of my fieldtrip experience and its highlight event. I  hope you enjoyed my story of my fieldtrip!